At Findzer, we strive to provide seamless and reliable mobile phone location services through phone numbers. However, there may be times when locating a number is not possible due to various statuses that can appear during the process. Here, we will discuss the most common statuses you might encounter and what they mean.

Know the most common status

Unknown: The message could not be sent, and we couldn't determine the reason.

Unknown status indicates that the message could not be sent, and the reason for this failure is undetermined.

  • The recipient's phone might be turned off or out of coverage.
  • There might be temporary issues with the recipient’s network provider.


Not Delivered: The message couldn't be sent because the recipient's phone was temporarily unavailable.

Not Delivered status means that the message couldn't be sent because the recipient's phone was temporarily unavailable.

  • The recipient's phone may be turned off or in an area without network coverage.
  • The recipient’s phone might be on airplane mode.


Network Error: The message couldn't be sent due to a network error.

Network Error status indicates that the message couldn't be sent due to a network error.

  • Issues with the sender’s or recipient’s network provider.
  • Network congestion or temporary service interruptions.


Destination Blocked: Unable to find a route to the number.

Destination Blocked status means that we were unable to find a route to the number, and it’s essential to confirm the recipient's number.

  • The phone number might be incorrect or inactive.
  • The recipient’s number might be blocked from receiving messages from certain services.


General Error: There was an error processing your request.

General Error status indicates that there was an error processing your request.

  • Internal system issues.
  • Temporary glitches in the service.


Contact technical support if you have more questions

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While Findzer aims to provide a reliable location service, certain error statuses might occasionally prevent successful message delivery. Understanding these statuses can help you identify and understand potential issues during the location process.