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The easiest way to locate a phone number

No physical access is needed when it's about Findzer. Get the ultimate solution for remote tracking of the mobile device by phone number only.

Exact location

Worldwide coverage

All phone types

Completely private

Unlimited phone numbers

How it works

Phone Number

Enter their phone number and the text of the message.


Findzer sends a text message containing the tracking link straight to their phone.


They tap the link, and you find out where they are.

Why Findzer

Completely Private

No need to worry about your privacy. The holder of the phone number cannot know who tried to locate them

Skip the installation

No need to install anything on their end. Just enter their number and Findzer gets to work. Really. That’s it.

Supports old phones and all carriers

Do they have an old phone? Findzer works with pretty much any mobile phone, on any network.

Works on iOS and Android

Whatever phone they use, Findzer works like magic. In fact, you don’t even need to know their phone model to find them.